李松 副教授


2016-04-06 10:04:22 作者: 所属分类:教师, 研究团队 阅读: 5,896 views


女,安徽人,出生于1983 年,2013 年“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”获得者。2006 年 6 月本科毕业于山东大学生物技术系,2009 年 2 月毕业于韩国成均馆大学化工系,获 工学硕士学位。2009年 8 月开始在美国范德堡大学化工系攻读博士学位,师从 Peter T. Cummings 教授。博士期间在美国能源部下辖、美国橡树岭国家实验室主导的 FIRST 能 源前沿研究中心从事研究工作,于 2014 年获得博士学位, 并获得范德堡大学化工系博士研究生杰出科研奖。2014 年 3 月,在美国西北大学从事全球 气候与能源项目的博士后工作, 主要研究金属-有机物骨架(Metal-Organic Frameworks,MOFs)在气体吸附、分离和储存领域的应用,合作导师Randall Snurr教授。2015年8月入职华中科技大学。



  • 2015/8 – 至今 ,      副教授, 能源与动力工程学院,华中科技大学
  • 2014/3 – 2015/8, 博士后, 化工系, 美国西北大学(Northwestern University)
  • 2009/4 – 2014/3, 博士, 化学工程, 美国范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University)
  • 2007/2 – 2009/3, 硕士, 化学工程, 韩国成均馆大学(Sungkyunkwan University)
  • 2002/9 – 2006/7, 学士, 生物技术, 山东大学



  • 热电厂废气吸附和分离的新型纳米材料金属-有机物骨架(MOFs)的高通量筛选
  • 基于MOFs的能量节约型气体的吸附和分离
  • 离子液体物化性质研究
  • 超级电容器性能及改良


  • 2014 范德堡大学化工系博士研究生杰出科研奖
  • 2013 “国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”获得者


  • Carbon (5-Year Impact Factor: 6.35)
  • AIChE Journal (5-Year Impact Factor: 2.54)


  1. Song Li, Wei Zhao, Guang Feng, Peter T. Cummings, “A Computational Study of Dicationic Ionic Liquids/CO2 Interfaces”, Langmuir, 2015, 31(8):2447-2454.
  2. Song Li, José Leobardo Bañuelos, Guang Feng, Peter T. Cummings, “Toward Understanding the Structural Heterogeneity and Ion Pair Stability in Dicationic Ionic Liquids”, Soft Matter, 2014, 10, 9193-9200.
  3. Song Li, Guang Feng, Peter T. Cummings, “Interfaces of Dicationic Ionic Liquids and Graphene: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2014,26, 284106.
  4. Song Li, Katherine L. Van Aken, John K. McDonough, Guang Feng, Yury Gogotsi, Peter T. Cummings, “The Electrical Double Layer Structure of Dicationic Ionic Liquids at Onion-Like Carbon Surface”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014,118 (8), 3901–3909
  5. Song Li, Guang Feng, José Leobardo Bañuelos, Gernot Rother, Pasquale F. Fulvio, Sheng Dai, Peter T. Cummings, “Distinctive Nanoscale Organization of Dicationic versus Monocationic Ionic Liquids”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117(35):18251-18257. (Selected for video presentation by 2013 AIChE as AIChE’s ChemE on Demand)
  6. Song Li, Kee Sung Han, Guang Feng, Edwards W. Hagaman, Lukas Vlcek, Peter T. Cummings, “Dynamic and Structural Properties of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids near Silica and Carbon Surfaces”, Langmuir, 2013, 29(31): 9744-9749.
  7. Song Li, José Leobardo Bañuelos, Jianchang Guo, Larry M. Anovitz, Gernot Rother, Robert. W. Shaw, Patrick. C. Hillesheim, Sheng Dai, Gary. A. Baker, and Peter T. Cummings, “Alkyl Chain Length and Temperature Effects on Structural Properties of Pyrrolidinium-Based Ionic Liquids: A Combined Atomistic Simulation and Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Study”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2012, 3(1):125−130.
  8. Ahmet Uysal, Hua Zhou, Guang Feng, Sang Soo Lee, Song Li, Paul Fenter, Peter T. Cummings, Pasquale F. Fulvio, Sheng Dai, John McDonough, Yury Gogotsi, “Interfacial Ionic Liquids: Connecting Static and Dynamic Structures”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2015, 27(3):032101.
  9. José Leobardo Bañuelos, Guang Feng, Pasquale F. Fulvio, Song Li, Gernot Rother, Nikolas Arend, Antonio Faraone, Sheng Dai, Peter Cummings, David J. Wesolowski, “The Influence of a Hierarchical Porous Carbon Network on the Coherent Dynamics of a Nanoconfined Room Temperature Ionic Liquid: A Neutron Spin Echo and Atomistic Simulation Investigation”, Carbon, 2014,78,415-427.
  10. José Leobardo Bañuelos, Guang Feng, Pasquale F. Fulvio, Song Li, Gernot Rother, Nikolas Arend, Antonio Faraone, Xiqing Wang, Sheng Dai, Peter Cummings, David J. Wesolowski, “Densification of Ionic Liquid Molecules within a Hierarchical Nanoporous Carbon Structure Revealed by Small-Angle Scattering and Molecular Dynamics Simulation”, Chemistry of Materials, 2014, 26 (2), 1144–1153.
  11. Katherine L. Van Aken, John K. McDonough, Song Li, Guang Feng, Suresh Chathoth, Eugene Mamontov, Pasquale F Fulvio, Peter T Cummings, Sheng Dai, Yury Gogotsi, “Effect of cation on diffusion coefficient of ionic liquids at onion-like carbon electrodes”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2014, 26, 284104.